7 Steps For Increased Instagram Likes Instantly!

Getting popular on Instagram can do a lot for a brand or individual who’s trying to market themselves in the online market. It’s a slightly tricky platform because in a very short span of time Instagram has become a huge avenue for people to promote themselves and expand as well. Engagement on social media through comments and likes acts as a quantitative measure of how well a brand’s content is doing with the audience. The more the engagement, the better the brand’s performance.

Likes are nothing but the viewer’s way of saying “I like what I’m seeing”; hence, your content needs to be good enough to draw in those likes from your followers and continue to do so with all upcoming posts as well. The underlying objective, of course, is to ensure that your brand is keeping up with the immediate competition and having a good enough reach to promote the brand and its products or services.

How can a brand ensure that they increase likes on every post? Let’s take a look:

1. Using hashtags

Hashtags are nothing but tools that help with categorizing and distinguishing content on Instagram. When people search for a particular tag, it leads them to relevant posts. Of course, the more popular the post, the more visibility it gets too. So, using sufficient hashtags and also relevant ones can really help a brand reach out to and be more visible to more people, hence increasing their chances of getting more likes on their content. Also, if there is a current hashtag that is trending and going viral, using it in your posts will increase visibility to a great extent.

2. Visually appealing

Studies have shown that images with filters get more popularity when compared to images with no filters. This is because these presets and filters are designed to look more attractive and appealing, which would definitely grab the attention of Instagram users. Visually appealing content can really boost your likes because it’s creative enough to catch the eye of your audience.

3. Unique content

Unique content

Whenever your brand creates content for Instagram, ask yourself this: “If I were a user, would I be interested in seeing this?”. Your content needs to be of good quality, with creativity and innovative and like-worthy. It’s important that you constantly improvise on what you post and also the description that comes along with it, that needs to be catchy and informative. If people and up viewing the same type of content from you, it can become monotonous. As a result, you lose the interest of your followers and also lose likes. So, you need to have a good plan of action in place to produce unique content.

4. Interact with users

Appealing to users also has a lot to do with keeping them happy. When you respond to users, either through comments or direct messages, you give them a sense of importance and also create a more informal and personal connection with them. In turn, if the user is happy with your brand, he/she is automatically going to look forward to viewing content posted by you and will not hesitate to like it either. Another advantage of interacting with users is getting feedback that can be constructive and useful for the growth of your page.

5. Timing is important

Timing is important

Research shows that posting content at a strategic time can reach more followers and also get you more likes. Usually, content posted between certain time slots during the day has a higher reach than other content. On weekdays, anytime between 3 to 9 pm is usually the best time to post, because Instagram sees maximum traffic during this slot. Weekends are usually not so great for posting because a lot of people are either out or relaxing and tend to not use social media much. Of course, you have to also keep your target audience in mind when you schedule your content.

6. Buying likes

Keeping in mind that Instagram engagement has a lot of value added to it, there are several platforms and apps today that can help you buy more likes for your page. You need to be careful by doing thorough research and finding out which portal would be the most reliable and trustworthy one. Some of these platforms do actually work. This option is great for those brands that are still starting newly on Instagram and do not have an already established following on the platform.

7. Shout Outs

Sometimes you have to offer something to others to receive something of interest in return. Hence, shout outs and collaborations are a great way to give leverage to another account while getting the same leverage in return. You could help another brand by promoting them on your page or creating content in collaboration with them. The other brand would do the same for you, so this opens up your brand name to a whole other segment of the market that is still unaware of or doesn’t follow your page. This way you’re not only gaining new followers but also increasing your chances of getting more likes and comments.

To be able to get more likes, your page needs to be filled with content that is engaging and also resonates easily with your followers. In most cases, brands get lazy and tend to stick to a tried and tested form of content, without much experimentation. Sometimes, it’s good for a page to take risks and gather and retain the interest of their users. A lot of marketing moguls today believe that social media is the new face of marketing that might soon overpower traditional methods of promotion. This is believable because the platform has grown extensively, with millions of users in its database. If you are looking to better your brand reputation through social media, iDigic can help you achieve just that in a really short amount of time.

So, if increasing likes is on your agenda, the smartest thing to do would be to understand how Instagram works, what drives likes and engagement the most, and try to incorporate these tips into your digital marketing plan in order to make a real difference!
