Instagram has become one of the most popular social media platforms of late, and it’s only getting bigger. People like to follow popular accounts on their profile and connect with other like-minded folks. Alternatively, brand accounts also keep tabs on what their competitors are up to. You can do this by visiting the pages, and these are highlighted as likes or comments.

There are endless possibilities, but as of yet, there are no built-in tools that allow you to do that. We are going to find out if there is some automated method that enables you to do just that.

Finding someone’s Instagram feed likes and comments

As of now, there is no way to get your friend’s activities on your Instagram feed or notifications as you can do on Facebook. You need to keep tabs on their activity manually, and we can show you just how to do that.

  • Step 1 Open Instagram

    Open the Instagram app on your smartphone or PC

  • Step 2 Heart the post

    Tap the heart icon next to their post in the bottom left

  • Step 3 Follow the account

    After you click heart, tap on follow so you can see what they do

  • Step 4 Observe Interactions

    You will get notifications about photos that the person liked and commented.

These are the steps you need to follow to find out what the person you follow has liked or commented on. While these are a bit tedious, there are alternatives out there that let you find out what account have interacted with without even following them. But you can only do this for public accounts.

How to check what posts you’ve liked on Instagram

Now that you know how to find what people you follow like and comment on, is there any way you can find how to check images you’ve interacted with? Sure there is! All you need to do is follow these steps to find out the posts that you’ve interacted with –

  • Step 1

    Log in to your Instagram account, and navigate to your user icon, the bottom right icon on the menu.

  • Step 2

    Go to setting on your account by tapping the gear icon on the top right corner.

  • Step 3

    You can find what you’re looking for under the “Posts You’ve Liked” which is below the “Account” section.

  • Step 4

    You’ll find all the posts you’ve liked with thumbnails displayed in a feed layout. It can display up to 300 photos you’ve interacted with.

Instagram has this feature built-in, so you don’t have to rely on third-party software to check what you’ve liked. It can be beneficial to find out what you’ve interacted within the last few weeks.


These are a few methods you can use to find out what your favorite accounts have been doing as well as what you’ve liked in the past. Instagram is a massive network of people, so it can be daunting to keep track of everything, but these tools are sure to help. Do let us know in the comments how that worked out for you.

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